Monday, February 27, 2006

Windows Grid: SDForum Talk Wednesday Night

For those of you in the Bay Area: I'm giving a talk at the SDForum Windows SIG in Palo Alto on Wednesday night.

The content will be similar to the talk I gave at Code Camp Seattle, but with a longer slot, I'm going to be able to go into more detail.

I'll give the basics of Object Oriented Programming for Grid, and I'll build some applications from scratch. I'll then grid-enable an existing application or two, showing how you can take an app and "retrofit" it to run on the grid.

The last thing I'll do is a brand new demo (and one that I'm really excited about): I'm going to talk about grid and SOA, and why grid can help scale an SOA well. I'll also demonstrate a Web service application that's been grid enabled, and show how that improves its scalability.

The whole shebang starts Wednesday at 7:00 in Palo Alto; details available here.