Thursday, February 16, 2006

4th Story Gets Faster

If you read Bobsguide (the guide to software and technology in the finance industry), then you've already seen this: Digipede and 4th Story Join Forces to Grid-Enable Financial Software. But if you don't, I'll tell you a bit about it.

4th Story is a firm with deep knowledge in two areas: finance, and software development. Their products (all named after National Parks and Monuments) do incredible things for both buy-side and sell-side firms. They've got some huge clients (Barclays, for one), and they do amazing things with analytics.

They've developed their whole suite in .NET. As they've gotten into very complex algorithms (think genetic algorithms) and large amounts of historical data, they've found the need to take advantage of multiple machines in order to scale properly. Rather than write that portion themselves, they decided to plug into the Digipede Network. Without rearchitecting their solution, and by taking advantage of our OOP-G methodology (Object Oriented Programming over Grid), they were able to quickly modify their software to automatically take advantage of the Digipede Network. Their objects are now being distributed across the Digipede Network and executed in parallel.

The result? They've now got a very scalable solution. Their customers will be able to scale the 4th Story suite as much as they want--just by adding more machines to the grid.

4th Story will be the first ISV logo on the Digipede partner page--but we've got a few more deals in the works, so look for more soon!