Friday, June 09, 2006

Unscheduled Uptime on Blogger: Post Immediately!

ough week to be blogging on Blogger. There was downtime most of the day, nearly every single day. I'm surprised that I had any hits at all--I could almost never see my own site. In fact, I could almost never see any Blogspot site. Blogger, here's a suggestion: create a status/information page that's hosted on another site so we can get information when you're down!

I'm considering moving--perhaps to my own site on Bluehost, running Wordpress. Any other ideas? I'd be interested in running .NET at a host who supports .NET (I know GoDaddy does), but are there any good .NET blogging packages out there?

We had an exciting week here at Digipede. We nabbed a new customer in the financial services space who will be scaling their SOA using the Digipede Network--I think we'll have a press release out soon. We also continue to prepare for the SIA TMC 2006 conference. The amazing thing about that is that we're now running our VSTO 2005 project in Excel 2007--with no recompiling! Just loaded it up, and it ran. So that means we'll be showing Excel 2007 starting .NET jobs on a grid running on Compute Cluster Edition cluster. Sweet.

I also recorded my .NET Rocks! interview this week. That was a blast; Carl and Richard are smart guys (and if you ever want to see some crazy photos of water cooled super PC's, check out Richard's blog). They're shuffling their schedule right now around TechEd; current projections are that my interview will "air" on June 27th. I'll keep you posted on that.

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