Friday, November 04, 2005

MSDN Blogger Community

Just found out I've been accepted to the "MSDN Architects Bloggers" community--because I signed up to be part of the Visual Studio/SQL Server Launch blogging community.

I was part of the PDC Blogger community, and I enjoyed reading other people's posts. It was impossible to go to every session and meet every interesting person there, so having the ability to experience the PDC through other attendees' eyes was really useful. I hope this leads to the same thing.

For those of you who are reading that feed: welcome! And if you're interested in grid/distributed computing on the Microsoft platform, add this feed to your aggregator.

And if you're interested in hearing about my experience upgrading a VSTO project to VS2005, stick around: more on that adventure later today. The good news is that we will have our demo ready for the VS launch on Monday!