As I'm sure Deatle is about to announce, Digipede Network version 2.1 just gained "general availability" status.
The frequency of my posts here is one indicator that a boatload of work has gone into this release -- by all rights, it should probably be called v3.0. Here's a quick rundown of my favorite features:
- Certified for Windows Server 2008: Announced previously, but cool nonetheless.
- Risk-free sharing: "Pool Rank" permits risk-free sharing of resources: you can add your departmental servers to the enterprise grid and ensure that they always work on your jobs first. That means that by joining the grid, you can only improve your application performance.
- Job concurrency: The improved Digipede Agent software can manage different applications simultaneously, maximizing utilization of compute nodes on the grid. This allows your multi-core machines to be used most efficiently.
- Management APIs: New management APIs give developers programmatic ability to create, modify, and delete resource pools.
- Improved task concurrency: More detailed specification of task concurrency lets you specify the number of cores per task (for multithreaded applications) or the number of tasks per core.
- Improved server efficiency: The Digipede Server has been vastly improved in its use of storage and memory. It will handle more applications, larger applications, better than ever before.
And, of course, a host of other small changes.
If you're already a customer, make sure you let us know when you're ready to upgrade. And if you've been waiting for a chance for an evaluation, here's a perfect chance.
I'll be hosting some webcasts over the next couple of weeks to go over new features. If you're interested in signing up for one of those, head over
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